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What skills are necessary to play hockey and how can you improve them?

Thu 21 March, 2024

1.Elevating Your Hockey Game

2.Mastering the Foundation: Skating

3.Skating Drills

4.The Art of Body Contact: Hitting

5.Hitting Drills

6.Finding the Back of the Net: Scoring


1.Elevating Your Hockey Game

Hockey demands a unique blend of skating mastery, puck-handling finesse, and intelligent gameplay. Whether you're a beginner or looking to take your skills to the next level, this guide provides practical advice and drills to boost your overall performance on the ice.

Hockey Skills, Complete with Tips and Drills for Improvement

2.Mastering the Foundation: Skating

  • Balance and Edgework:
  • Start Simple: Practice your forward stride, using long, powerful pushes. Focus on keeping a low center of gravity and using your edges to generate power.
  • Inside and Outside Edges: Drill turns and crossovers, emphasizing how proper edge usage propels you in different directions.
  • Acceleration & Agility:
  • Quick Starts and Stops: Work on bursts of speed followed by rapid stops in both directions.
  • Tight Turns and Pivots: Practice sharp turns forward and backward, working on transferring your weight cleanly between edges for smooth direction changes.
  • Backward Skating:
  • C-Cuts: Start with the C-cut maneuver (pushing in a curved pattern) to gain comfort skating backward.
  • Backward Crossovers: Progress to backward crossovers, essential for maintaining speed and position.

3.Skating Drills

  • Cone Weaving: Set up cones in a slalom pattern and weave through them forward and backward, focusing on agility and edge control.
  • Red Line Sprints: Skate the length of the ice, touch the red line, and sprint back. Repeat to build speed and endurance.
  • Partner Passing: Skate alongside a partner, passing the puck back and forth. This helps you practice skating while coordinating with the puck

Hockey Skills, Complete with Tips and Drills for Improvement

4.The Art of Body Contact: Hitting

  • Understand Safe Checking: Learn the rules of checking to avoid penalties and minimize risk of injury.
  • Angle and Timing: It's not just about brute force. Focus on angling your body to separate the opponent from the puck while timing your hit when they are vulnerable.
  • Keep Your Feet Moving: Maintaining momentum through a check adds force and prevents you from becoming a stationary target.
  • Core Strength: A strong core is essential for delivering solid checks and absorbing contact yourself.

5.Hitting Drills

  • Shadow Checking: Follow an opponent but don't initiate contact. Focus on proper positioning and pressuring without fouling.
  • Bag Checking: Work on hitting a stationary target, focusing on technique and driving through the check with your legs.
  • Controlled Scrimmages: Introduce controlled contact drills with teammates to simulate game situations while remaining safe.

6.Finding the Back of the Net: Scoring

  • Shooting Variety: Master different types of shots:
  • Wrist Shot: Emphasizes accuracy and a quick release.
  • Slap Shot: Generates maximum power but requires more windup time.
  • Backhand: Essential for scoring on rebounds or from tight angles.
  • Release Point: Practice shooting with the puck slightly in front of you, which maximizes power and deception.
  • Shot Accuracy:
  • Targets: Set up targets in the net (even water bottles work). Aim for specific zones for greater precision.
  • Shooting Off the Pass: Work on receiving passes at different speeds and angles and getting off a quick, accurate shot.

Scoring Drills

  • Rapid-Fire Shooting: Have a partner feed you quick passes and focus on one-time shots.
  • Obstacle Shooting: Set up cones or other obstacles to force you to adjust your release point and shoot around defenders.
  • Breakaways: Practice one-on-one against a goalie to work on different moves and shot selection.

Beyond the Basics

  • Hockey IQ: Learn to read the play and anticipate where the puck and your opponents will be.
  • Stickhandling in Traffic: Practice dekes and puck protection maneuvers while dodging pressure from defenders.
  • Rebound Control: Crash the net, battle for position, and put back rebounds to create second-chance scoring opportunities.

Hockey Skills, Complete with Tips and Drills for Improvement


FAQ # 1: What are the most important basic hockey skills?

  • Skating: Powerful forward strides, smooth backward skating, and quick transitions.
  • Stickhandling: Controlling the puck while moving, including dribbling and passing.
  • Shooting: Wrist shots, slap shots, and backhand shots with accuracy and power.
  • Hockey sense: Reading the game, anticipating plays, and smart positioning on the ice.

FAQ #2: How can I improve my hockey skating?

  • Focus on proper technique: Master the forward stride, knee bend, and edge control.
  • Off-ice training: Exercises for leg strength and agility translate to more power on the ice.
  • Drills: Practice crossovers, tight turns, and backward skating drills regularly.

FAQ #3: What are some great stickhandling drills?

  • Cone drills: Weave through cones at different speeds, keeping the puck close to your stick.
  • Passing drills: Partner up to practice one-timers, give-and-gos, and saucer passes (passes that lift the puck up slightly).
  • "Deking" practice: Work on various fakes and dekes to outmaneuver opponents.

FAQ #4: How can I improve my hockey shooting?

  • Master the basics: Wrist shot and slap shot mechanics are key.
  • Target practice: Aiming for specific corners of the net improves accuracy.
  • Shoot off balance: Practice shooting on the move or in awkward positions, as this replicates game scenarios.

FAQ #5: How do I develop better hockey sense?

  • Watch professional games: Analyze how players position themselves and make decisions.
  • Play scrimmages: Practice your positioning and decision-making in game-like settings.
  • Be a student of the game: Learn about hockey tactics and systems to elevate your understanding.

Additional Tips

  • Find resources: Look online for videos and articles demonstrating specific drills and skills
  • Seek coaching: A coach can provide personalized feedback and drills.
  • Have fun!: The more you enjoy practicing, the faster you'll improve.

Consistency is key! Dedicate time to regular practice, both on and off the ice. Focus on specific skills, analyze your technique, and never stop striving to get better.

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